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five finds: malls, ancient cities, randomness

five finds: malls, ancient cities, randomness

five finds: 72 seasons, weather, power hunger

five finds: 72 seasons, weather, power hunger

five finds: global gentrification, academic bars, nobel numbers

five friday finds: chinatowns, divinity, solar surge

five friday finds: over-work, de-growth, dis-connected

five friday finds: astro-turf, future-phone, ice-farms

five friday finds: lazy robots, blueberries, tall problems

five friday finds: never retire, lichen poetry, robot painters

five friday finds: vexed parents, screen apnea, wukong power

five friday finds: museum fakes, dating games, digital switching

five friday finds: is coaching therapy, dark kawaii, fern madness

read these next: the mundane and the hopeful

five friday finds: predictive policing, AI rot, modern sakoku

five friday finds: smile trackers, cozzie livs, bring back edelweiss

five friday finds: life is a game, warming hanami, EV geopolitics